vendredi 3 juin 2022

Meine Familie

 Meine Familie ist ganz normal. Wir sind sechs. Neben Mama und Papa have ich drei Geschwister.

Zwei Brüdern und eine Schwester. Ich bin der Zweite!

Papa ist sehr nett, Er is Englishlehrer. Auch Pensionieurung, unterrichtet er noch.

Mama ist stark. Sie has es geschafft, sich um uns zu kümmern, Obwohl sie Grundhullehrerin ist.

Mein Altärer Brüder ist Zahnarzt. Er hat ein beeindruckendes Wissen über Sachen und algemeine Kultur.

Mein Jüngerer Brüder ist Tierarzt. Er arbeit immer. Sein telefon hört nich auf zu klingeln.

Meine Schwester ist Biologieingenieurin. Sie ist ruhig und kenntnisreich. Jetzt arbeit sie min ein groSes Parmaunternehmen.

Das war meine Famili, SchleiSlich ist es vieleeich nich so normal.

lundi 7 avril 2014

Sending SMS with Android

This is a quick example on how to integrate the SMS your app. Threre are two ways to do it:
  • Programmatically
public void SendSms(string phoneNumber, string smsMessage){

         SmsManager mySmsManager = SmsManager.getDefault();

         mySmsManager .sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, smsMessage, null, null);

  • Using the built in Android SMS Application 

public void builtINSMS(string phoneNumber,string message) {

        Intent intentSMS = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

        intentSMS.putExtra("sms_body", message);

        intentSMS.putExtra("address", phoneNumber);


        startActivity(intentSMS );


Don't forget to add Sending SMS permission in your manifest file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" />

mercredi 2 avril 2014

Arduino and Android ADK

Smartphones gives us a wide range of applications that help us organize our selves, play and wake up on time, but if only there is a way to connect our phones to the real world to control hardware stuff like house lighting system or the garage door. Smartphones have a bunch of possibilities including sensors like GPS, accelerometers and temperature, a decent cpu for processing data but the most important feature a smartphone can give is its portability.

In 2011 Google starts a project called Android ADK: the Android accessory kit, that can make your phone communicate to devices (accessories) by make a bridge between the power of android devices and the real world through a simple USB communication. This bridge can solve so many problems :D

So I thought to try it out with an arduino ADK board. The project I've done is to control a led and a DC motor From the Android to the arduino passing by xbee modules.
The next diagram explains entities communication:

The code has three sides:

  • The Android side : sending commands through ADK
  • The Arduino ADK Side: Receiving commands and send it wirelessly to other arduino boards with xbee
  • The Arduino Uno Side: Receiving commands from xbee and control the DC motor and the led.
The hole project:

I'll  be happy to answer questions in the comments

dimanche 5 janvier 2014


As I'm starting with CADSoft Eagle software, I wanted to make a simple 2 motor driver board.
This board can control 2 DC motors using the L298 circuit from ST.

You can find the complete data-sheet of the circuit here

The schematics:

The circuit: